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tv   News  RT  April 29, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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the, the, the india demands of explanation after a canadian prime minister justin to those appearance of a secret separate system bent in toronto, delhi, one of the move could rupture by law road relations. also this hour, the french police, the crack done on the students during a raleigh for guns that like side syrup on university. while another part of his institution reaches agreements with protesters. despite the local politicians calling for severe measures on they made demonstrations both for and against the so called foreign agents built into lucy, the head of george's parliament. questions the integrity of us. don't. neighbors
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wants to function for pacific country over. it's just the problem, of course the world. this is our teacher, national. hello and welcome to the news. our india has some and a high ranking canadian diplomat to it's foreign ministry. dr. prime minister, true joe join, seek opposition, leaders out a raleigh in toronto, where separatist callous found the slogans were heard being jumped it. new delhi sees mr to those actions to drive a wedge between the 2 countries of the government of india's deep concern and strong protest was conveyed at such and disturbing actions being allowed to continue unchecked at the event. this illustrates, once again the political space that has been given in canada to separatism, extremism and violence. their continued expressions not only impact indian canadian
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relations, but also encourage a climate of violence and criminality in canada to the detriment of its own citizens. was speaking of the toronto event on sunday, with his head straits and an orange secret tribune. just in trudeau assure the indians, separate to supporters of his full backing sick values are canadian values, truce justice, openness, compassion, service, human rights. these are the values of the heart of sic is them. these are the heart values of the heart of the canadian communities, but they're also values at the heart of all canadians to the nearly $800000.00 canadians of sic heritage across this country. we will always be there to protect your rights and your freedoms, and we will always defend your community against hatred and discrimination. justin
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total recently attended a call. somebody went in to room to one call. so this actually is all celebration seek communities in new. yeah. that particular event, they work for ca, this song still goes that with chanted by a group of people. and what justin to date was basically smile. now the call us on mind is that in india it's been that and in the world, why nobody's house been kept to live in the follow circles of canada. nope, just until the government has been warned multiple times sign the indian government to keep in check the ex sealed list elements that are moving on canadian. so a, but essentially one of those requests have for them on de fios and justin pseudo at this point, exports believe is coming across to somebody who is ready to deal with extremist
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with radical elements. as long as it's serving his political interest, just to context the contest dining room or to essentially use a google contest on you score separate is from the scene community that up to mom. d, that a piece of indian land from the state of, from jobs be got called out of the separate state or the see community called congress done. now it's not even 6 that are demanding that seeks from canada, the stream. yeah. some of the thoughts of the was kind of this point, it looks like the canada is happy to show to them as it's not just the current to government. it seems. ringback the old position is trying to appease the community, considering that there is a considerable amount of population in canada, of
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o. c community. and also there's considerable water back. we will rely on the great sick values that girl goldman sing brought forward, proud use of a quality for the common people. the girl said that there should be no cas system. know people on the top dictating down and pushing the people down. everyone would be saying a lie and relationship between india and canada have naturally become very big over the last few years that have been several incidents of color sunny referendums taking place on canadian sword, but also just sort of value openly the canadian solomon blaming india of choosing india for being and was in the killing of these seats, separatist canadian leader coals miniature. no question about geo political experts at this point are asking is with the canada would ever allow a beast of deadlines to be got carved out into a solid state called ca. this done,
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the i'm so natural, you know, so why is canada allowing that kind of sentiment to blue against india? i'm sitting with the story, we got reaction from veteran indian diplomats, a shot so jump har, who stays despite the public utterances of supporting independence. president crudo is using the same movement in canada for his own political agenda. it is right today. i don't think there is any genuine as i don't think there is any tend to city as far as his approach to this issue has been son. he is basically looking at it in my view for his own personal political, a domestic interest. and that is why he's operating, he is a multi all these uh elements meaning the citizen, oh, let me tell you is a great religion. they are very highly respected. not only by the ordinary people,
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but by the leadership and all major events in the life of citizens, they are also celebrated and together in india. so i don't think there is any problem as far as 6 is on the teachings of it because i'm just sick of really doing the sick people are concerned. it is only these a handful of people in basically in canada will have well, you know, again, also from the old political ends has started promoting this idea of a separate uh, alliston uh, states called old off in get to the warren gas. and now at least 27 palestinians have reportedly been killed in the lake. this is really our strikes on the southern most city, rough up us, the idea of propose to invade the area talk pa mazda officials are in egypt for talks on our proposed ceasefire with israel. the galvan bulletin group is coming
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under monkey western pressure to accept the do. it does seem to me, there is no, you know, let's be frank, company, generous offer of, of is sustained 40 days the spot, the release of potentially thousands of palestinian prisoners in return for the release of these hostages has not been in captivity for over 200 days, i hope i'm asked do take this deal and frankly, all the pressure in the world and all the eyes of the world should be on them today saying take that deal almost has before the proposal. that is extraordinarily, extraordinarily generous on the part of israel. and in this moment, the only thing standing between the people of guys and a cease fire is the most. they have to decide and they have to decide quickly. well, just some background does that has not seen a ceasefire since
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a week long. truth and november with multiple runs of talked feeling to bring a 2nd agreement. no, the new is really proposal includes a $440.00 day pause and i'll still it takes. it would also see an exchange of some hostages, held by him off since october 7 for hundreds of palestinian prisoners and is really jails. not much of the world's focus is on gas, where we heard a nearly 7 months of where have claimed an unparalleled number of civilian lives. according to the un. it is unprecedented. that's more than 30000 people have died in 6 months. we know that i'm on the death of 13000 children. we know that more children have died and goes in 6 months then in any conflict in the world in the past 4 years. as well as the under a chief mentioned the number of children killed in dallas. it is shockingly high just to compare here on our news. will bach during the 14 year war in the rock more
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than 3000 miners were killed? another recent conflict in yemen claimed at least 3700 young lives and just over 7 years on here, behind me, those numbers for really by the total of $13000.00 children who died in the bombing of gas it in just the past 6 months. some countries including saudi arabia and want to see israel, how's the content? the ministers dress the need for the international community to impose effective sanctions on israel, including stopping the export of weapons to get in response to its violation of international law, international humanitarian law. and the war crimes it is committing, and garza and the occupied westbank or my colleagues, nicky, are in discussed all involved with international red cross and red crescent spokes person to must so del, a longer your age, the world to take action to stop the war before even more innocent lives are lost, a cost of 6 months total of these more than 6 months. so what are these? that's what do you do?
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you need to sit down and commission for me. i need to sit down and put that in your money at the, at the beginning of every single discussion, because what this up into now, it seemed enough. but we have heard from some of those who manage to leave garza and they told us that he went to terry and aid is just not getting through the paperless, solving. and they don't have medicine. what is the situation with the delivery of humanitarian aid? now? no, you many that in i didn't seize, able to get the, the 5, the response of to the minutes and the, the, all the guys a city. but we go the out of you the situation. some incident, some of the last days and weeks was lied to be improving and having a 250 and one that it struck. so your mind that i need anything every day and because 3 but my these way 5 to put on what is needed that you many that need study men's, avery, meaning the discovery go ahead the because i had the and the, the, the in the need. so we love, we didn't keys and the entities another very important biased these, nothing enough but to bring you money that and they need to open a gate,
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then you need to create the, i mean by them into what is possible to validate that what he's safe for the money that i want to cancel that 8 by the way so, so save of what cd dense will get what they need and how, just how safe is it for? humanitarian work is on the ground right now. and how can i safe to be guaranteed, because we know that a shocking number of people who have been to help those stuff re, a bill was a, have also been killed is not safe. so when i would say it's better to be safe. and this is a huge problem, is huge, a method of solicitation in not what a caustic us in network with to update the 22 times. so the number of the volunteers and stuff include leaks. key is a 22 women and men have been keyed in 6 months for the in the beginning. the only needs that are left in 18 o polish side, aggressive boasting garza and lastly, even in the west bank. and i think that these are the need a clear, i wanna start, it could be mind that a wednesday violence of this conflict that i wouldn't even you mind is that i work
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as i expected of the rival protest stuff. the university of california have taken a dramatic turn. now supporters of gals, i clashed with counter demonstrators after a barrier separating the 2 groups was breached. it comes and made a rising wave of pro palestinian raleigh's educational facilities across the u. s. the footage from the scene shows scores of demonstrators on both sides of the barricade, while boxes of gas help honors against zionism and highlighting the advance of children. supporters. a visual or critical of how much? well, this countries like russia, china, and around for jumping news, published means they are a cit, intent come protest, f u c l a was dispersed by police. here's what some of the rival demonstrators in los angeles have to say about it all the representatives the people are we are
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really funding this genocide illegal because the people protested nurse to these other feature that we have to protect, which will us bring party presidential. how does that jill spelling was arrested at washington university in saint louis missouri during a pro published and in raleigh. on sunday footage from the scene showed police pushing her with a bicycle. as a group of protesters tried to stomach all this time, said she was charged with assaulting an officer. the politician was released after spending 7 hours behind bars. she then proceeded to attend another rally at columbia university. and that's across night to us bringing party co chairperson margaret elizabeth for more on this you're most welcome to the
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program. can you indeed tell us more about the, the controversial risk of deals time as well. thank you for having me on and then thank you for giving the green party some some opportunity to explain our position on what's happened here. and what's happened to dr. stein to us as many of your viewers 15 during the videos shipped and shared. dr. stein was invited by the students to join them in their protest of the university's investment in particularly boeing aircraft, to manufacturer, who they sort of liked supplier of weapons and, and airframes for military purposes. so the students asked her to come and she did, and she is going to many colleges around the country to do the same thing. and if you seen, they were locked in arms together, all, all they're supporting each other and the police gave them the order to leave. but the green party believes in the right, a free expression and free speech,
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especially for a contentious issues like we're dealing with in our polity at the moment. so having the opportunity for students to express their discontent with what's going on is something we, we support completely 100 percent. so it makes sense for jill to be there. the overall reaction of the police force, the surprising to some isn't shocking at all if you've been paying attention to american politics. our police forces are ramping up their violence towards the student protesters and to anyone who is advocating for an anti war position. specifically, i'm an antique zionist position, as, as we know this, this conflict is going on for generations. and it's unlikely that you know, we're going to see a peaceful resolution of this without dramatic bold steps by people who are willing to try something different. i like to, to sort of keep this in mind. there is no way to peace, peace is the way. and so we need to be those kind of people. the green party itself,
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of course, believes that there is really significant connections between these events. the united states military is the largest global polluter in the world. so consequently, as we engage in more military actions around the world, we're increasing the carbon footprint and the pollution that we're desperately trying to combat. so for us, it's a pretty straightforward connection between les military involvement and reducing climate change. and these are good things for us. following her release, jill stein said that her arrest made both the university. i'm the police slip, but i suppose there's the bigger picture here as well. the federal government that's supporting israel, which is what these americans that we're looking at, what they're protesting against. how does that make washington look as well? i think it really highlights the hypocrisy that the democratic party and indeed the republican party as well in body. they will tell us that they want peace for
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everyone and then fund genocide. they will tell us that, oh, we are trying to uphold the rule of law in the, in the world. and yet allow lawless behavior and, and anti democratic behavior to take place right under their nose, if not actively supporting it. the suppression of 3rd party candidate is active in the united states, especially in to work candidates. so i think when you see people like dr. stein on these protest lines being arrested, you're, you're really seeing the, the actual behind the mask face of the democratic party. here, they're just a fascist tool to across the people just the same way that g o, p r. and to be honest with you it's, it's a good thing in a way for the mass to come off and people to really see what's going on. it's been this way for, for many, many years now. and so hopefully the, the amount of student protests with cameras showing everything that's going on will
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raise the general consciousness of the general american viewer. so they can see what's really happening and vote for something better. we can have a different outcome here if we choose different things at we, we, uh, we've looked at what the people of protesting have been, have been saying, and you know, a lot of and the remarks are timing what, what you're saying is that why isn't there a more of a call for peace there just seems to be more of a run thing off of a legal aid going through the congress on the way to, to israel, to taiwan, to ukraine. it seems to be war is not of the word and on peace has taken a backward step. it appears to too many that protest like this are the way us what happened with vietnam. what happened against the inside the african, the 1980s, for instance, that the templates is there. so what if the protest,
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if the columbia law comes in, they won't be allowed to do the same? so it's a big issue, isn't it? what's happening now? they're running vacations are pretty huge. yeah, they're very significant. the, the students who are doing this are very brave individuals. many of them are looking at not being able to complete their degrees. and if they do ostracism within their professional circles, the cause of their support for post and in independence. and of course the stopping in virginia side to be to be a 100 percent honest with you. it feels very similar to the beginnings of, of, you know, more protests as well as the american people woke up to the disastrous consequences of war. once again, it's not as if we haven't seen this before, but there seems to be a cycle in the american psyche where we witnessed the horrors of war during
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a conflict. and then once it's over, we try to forget only to be reminded again in a, in a decade later as we're engaged in another conflict. so we see the nascent anti war movement once again rising in the united states led by the students. this is pretty indicative of a sort of a historical trend, at least in my country, where when students are co testing against something that's going on there are historically correct. we should support their efforts in this regard. it doesn't do any good for us to pretend that there are 2 sides to this argument which are equally valid. there aren't, there is one side which is correct and one side which isn't. and it's one of the few situations in modern history where that clear moral line is so bright, that it's hard to mistake it for what it is, i suppose is right. i suppose what authority would say is that they have to look after the safety of students in this case, fewer students that feel the feel threatened by these protests. it's,
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it's of course, good to protest. it's of course good to discuss this. but when that goes over the line, that's when the, that's when the problem starts. have you been seeing much of that at what, when talks go to violence as well? some i, i think there's, so i wanna, i wanted to see this. it's legitimate. when you have feelings, those are legitimate feelings. i'm not trying to discount their feelings. however, feelings aren't facts, you might feel unsafe, but that doesn't mean you are. that just because you feel scared doesn't mean there's something going to happen to you. and so to justify your actions based on oh, i feel a thing might occur is completely non starter. for me, the truth of the matter is when you look around these approaches, people are not being violent towards the jewish students or jewish faculty in these institutions. that's not what's occurring. it's in fact the opposite. the pro hm. awesome. pro palestinian protestors are the ones who are frequently being targeted
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by violence and by counter protestors who reasonably speaking, are violating the law in physical assaults and all the rest of this sort of thing. look, i think we've all seen enough political protests in our life now to know that sometimes in the sheet of the moment, people will be able to commit crimes like a salt and not be prosecuted for it when we see it until much later on. when law enforcement has the opportunity to review the video footage and all the rest, so it would make sense to me that they should play very easy and, and safe with all of the protesters for the protesters be peaceful. but this isn't happening. the police themselves are working on behalf of the institutions. the institutions are very pro zionist at the moment. and as a consequence are taking steps to ensure that the student protests are broken up. they're not giving space for both voices or perspectives to be heard. they are in
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fact making a space which is unsafe for the palestinian protesters in the pro home of protesters. not that you are students. all right, that is the view. all of us bring party coach or a person, margaret elizabeth, thank you very much for your time today. thank you so much for having me on. thank you. not, let's say, turn to europe on part. i swear a french students. i've also been gathering on us rallying in support of gals and for several days now. the latest demo took place outside strip on university. the assistant protest by a group of students intense was supposed to be dispersed by police after people refused on order to leave. a mess of soliciting flag is also unfurled on earlier in the day while another procedures french university has kept the deal with it. students who've also been demonstrating for a counsellor at some french official say that's appeasement. and having said,
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call for a truck down on such are all these years are to come to be the original. marsden with her while the us establishment is pretending to be scandalized by the groundbreaking concept of university students actively protest, 8 perceived injustice as though they never do that right. in this case, it's the harm being done to palestinian civilians. israel continues to raise gather in a seemingly endless effort to take of him off the university and rest is also reach friends. universities and the spotlight is now on seals who the institute of political studies at paris, basically the french equivalent of harvard that we're talking about last week. students at the campus in the center of paris faced off against french police and refused to budge when authorities repeatedly threatened to use force against them for blocking part of the campus with the students and demanding a ceasefire and gather some students, ended up facing disciplinary proceedings as a result of this action, the students have also been demanding that the university cut all ties with entities related to the state of israel. so the university has now diffused the
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situation, at least for the time, be offering to drop the disciplinary actions against the students. instead, what they propose this a hold a for me to be internal debate on campus to arrow, grievances on all sides. kind of a nice opportunity think, well, except if you're one of those narrative gatekeepers and it turns out that at least one member of the center, right establishment, the vice president, a former present before that stuff was these tardy live a few. the count is pretty serious about that idea. today it is just where to continue rather than supporting the management of the government. does the government should stop public funding at science as bo, we're going to finance a school which has become the place of countries, and it makes jo, if left isn't islamism, which legitimizes anti semitic remarks, and acts of violence. he doesn't want there to be a debate question, israel's actions, and it's using a bunch of name calling to the rail. it in favor of creating, i guess,
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a safe space for the kind of rhetoric and ideas, the guys like him and the establishment by the acceptable. we're talking about the talk french campus for educating. frances, the sure political leaks. yes, they shouldn't be familiar with the debates. and the said he just wants the state to step in with a threat of its own to cut off its public funding if the school doesn't comply to protect his views from being challenged on this issue. uh, good luck with that. french president, a menu and nicole himself has recently echoed the student's concerns and calling of israel's actions deep indignation at the images reaching us from gauze of where civilians have been targeted by israeli soldiers expressed my strongest disapproval of the shots and demand truth, justice, and respect. for international law, earlier this year, mac hall said that the 2 state solution, recognizing a policy being state is not taboo for france. so more generally the whole israel palestine issue is really nitroglycerin for a country that is imported political divisions from all around the entire world. as
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a result of its migration policies, and now because france has neglected to properly manage its borders for so long, it's now having to rec boundaries everywhere inside the country, including on university campuses, in an effort to diffuse tensions, you know, thousands rallied in the georgian capital tbilisi on monday in support of a so called for an aging bill, which has been approved by parliament demonstrators for and in opposition to the bill. well, they've been coming onto the streets for over a month now. mondays riley was organized by george's ruling party with protesters marching towards the parliament building, where the leadership addressed the cards and thought to protect the nation's independence. by the way, debates inside the parliament building itself got physical warm, the m p through a bottle of water of a colleague during the readings. media reports say the woman in question is from an
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opposition party of this removed from the whole after the incident. us senators have responded to the georgian for an agent bill by letter. they have threatened to impose sanctions and other restrictions on to police. see if it becomes a law, the german of the george and parliament reply by demanding american lawmakers revealed where washington sponsorship to the country actually goes. instead of restrictions, it would be easier for the congress of this $108.00 to make it public. the money coming from the american budget to georgia to these days what this money spent on is hidden and that we sometimes loan by chance. the money from american citizens is spent in a roundabout way to finance bodies ready, co and these information groups. and it's cost a shadow in american a to georgette. well, we heard from george in lawmaker timor might cetera. i'd say. who saves the country now has a chance to break free from long rolling far and mentally. the purchase of
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a busy, it was a new purchase with the georgian government, no longer wants to be a tool. because for many years, it was forced to turn a blind eye to western pressure on georgia back in 2012. when i was a future member of the parliament of georgia, this pressure already existed and it was rising more and more every year. apparently, the drawers in government has already decided that it is necessary to get rid of this somehow to abandon x. because georgia cannot become such a blind instruments in the hands of the united states. and the most important thing is that we have information that this money is being used incorrectly. if the us has good intentions and any person with good intentions should prefer transparency, it could be seen what good deeds one is doing in the states, right. the country doesn't want to be open and transparent. welded is hiding something. right.


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