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tv   KRON 4 News at 5pm  KRON  April 29, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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>> from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at >> now at 5, just how many officers are needed to protect a big-city mayor san jose.
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police officers association says more than the one who currently protect san jose mayor matt mahan. thank you for joining us here on kron. 4 news at 5. i'm noelle bellow and i'm grant lotus. that's right. in fact, the in the wake of last week's altercation between the mayor's security detail and a man. >> it was captured time when creek road for reporters actually interviewing the mayor when this all just started to happen, another police union is calling on the city of san jose to double the number of officers assigned to the mayor. kron four's. dan kerman reports. >> doing it or it was last tuesday during a kron 4 interview with san jose mayor matt mahan. when an altercation erupted between this man. 35 year-old wesley pollard and the plainclothes san jose police officer providing security for the mayor. pollard was ultimately arrested and charged with felony resisting an officer by means of violence and misdemeanor battery and disturbing the peace. the incident went on for nearly 4 minutes before a community
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member help subdue pollard. now in this letter, the san jose police officers association, he's calling on san jose's acting police chief and city manager to double the mayor's security detail. >> having only one officer's part of a security detail for ranking member of the city. i was not sufficient was unsafe. >> steve sisolak is president of the san jose police officers association. >> by doubling it increasing another we feel our set eyes another anderson readily available. definitely make everything safer going forward. >> in a statement, the san jose police department says it's reviewing the current procedures for the mayor's security detail. if they decide to bump up the number, it would not be unusual for a large city while san francisco police won't say how many officers are on mayor breed security detail. oakland police confirm the department generally provides to sworn officers for the security and protection of mayor thao. dan
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kerman kron. 4 news. >> tonight we're learning about the young family who were killed in a fiery crash in pleasanton last week. but it is still not clear what exactly happened there. the names now being released to kron for news from the alameda county sheriff's department include 41 year old 2 george 13 year-old rowan george and 9 year-old aaron george, the identity of the 4th victim cannot be released yet. authorities say, but sources tell kron 4 news it was the mother. >> right down the street from and their family, you know, like all rest of this and they have them. you know, he's seen him with their kids playing he writes, when i right my by that. yeah, it's really sad. >> today pleasanton police were back at the scene taking measurements and documenting other pertinent facts, notes,
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flowers and some debris from the wreck. now dot the landscape. police say the family was apparently returning from a birthday party wednesday when for some reason the electric car, they were in swerved and collided with the tree. it then went up in flames. >> police are asking for your help in locating the suspect in a fatal hit and run in san francisco's ingleside district. these faint images are from february. 25th shortly before 07:00pm in the area of ala many boulevard and russo street. they show a driver and as he crosses the road, the pedestrian died from his injuries. officers are looking for a dark colored toyota camry, possibly 1997 to 2001 model. they believe the car should have significant front-end damage, damage, headlights and a missing toyota emblem from its hood. anyone with information is asked to contact police. meantime, the city of san francisco will be slowing down its plans for a traffic safety project in the city's west portal neighborhood. this is a group of business owners and
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neighbors spoke out against the plans which include a number of changes to west portal avenue. you lois street lenox way and clermont boulevard in response to the community's concerns. the city has agreed to a more thoughtful planning process that include input from a soon to be formed. welcoming west portal committee. now to developing news as we enter the second week of gaza. war protest said college campuses across the country. >> it is been 5 days now since students at stanford university set up an encampment of tents at the school. there they are demanding sanford disclose any ties it has to companies that financially benefit israel. >> that's where we find kron four's at less. look good. and she joins us there live this evening. lezla. >> yes, we're right here on campus. you can take a look behind me. you can see that we're looking at the heart of the sunni protesters right here. and they have created an encampment and they've added
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everything from size to palestinian flags. but also they have information provided so other sons learn why they're here. and they say that their message is very clear. they're asking for the university to what they're calling a genocide to not invest in that. over 20 tents continue to stand at the white memorial plaza at stanford university filled with students calling for the university to divest from israel. >> and disclose their investments lost tonight. i we successfully pass to divestment resolution through. >> our student body our student body government. the turnoff for was like significantly significantly higher the last year young sioux camp class of 2025. shares the students have officially. >> create a recommendation on how the university should respond to the war in gaza. >> tech companies provide the digital architecture apartheid relies on. so he'll talk or amazon, google, whatnot. the
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second should be obvious. the actual like ours manufacturers themselves. lockheed martin, boeing list goes on. >> and finally, a fossil fuel companies were engaging and pillaging on on the in the natural gas fields off the coast of gaza right now. >> on monday, several students at inside their encampment. other students who did not wish to go on camera say it's been peaceful and quiet here in our cameras did capture 3 counter protesters walk inside the area and raised an american flag stating they have a right to be here. is >> live in great these people are taking advantages of the freedoms afforded by this country. white will simultaneously chanting death to america almost on a nightly basis. and so i think it's good for them to recognize that. maybe they should be thankful for the country that they're protesting and >> and again, i do want to add it has been very peaceful since we have been here. and we also have not seen any
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police presence on campus as well. and i do want to at that, although both groups that we talked to have very different opinions, they both tell me that they feel like the university is not listening to either of their concerns are demands. and we'll have more coming up at 6. back to you in leslie, thank you. it's good to know that it is peaceful >> out there or we do appreciate your live coverage there. meantime, a student rally is underway at san francisco state in support of gaza and solidarity of campuses across the country. images shared to kron 4 showing encampment has formed in the middle of campus there. we're continuing to track the situation. students at sonoma state university also holding a solidarity encampment on campus. they're demanding the school divest from all donors and funds that support and profit from the occupation, palestine. they also want to see study abroad programs connected with israel shutdown bad for the university to recognize palestinian identity in their curriculum. cal poly humboldt has announced a hard
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closure of campus because of ongoing protests in occupation. there. the closure set to remain in place until the end of the semester. may 10th. last week, several dozen demonstrators took over siemens hall. one of the main buildings on that campus. another group of protesters was demonstrating outside that building and at columbia in new york city, a spokesperson for the school says they are beginning to suspend student protesters. >> who defied ultimatum to leave the encampment by the deadline. protesters at the university of texas at austin today were greeted by law enforcement. we're told 6 people were arrested. there. meanwhile, ucla, zinc and continues to grow. the university has made no attempts to remove it, but they are starting to step up security university officials say that was done after some minor scuffles broke out involving the protesters and pro israel demonstrators yesterday, the usc campus remains closed to the general public today with students and
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faculty entering only through to designated areas. activists are calling on usc's president to initiate emergency student dialogue in response to the ongoing protests >> millions of kaiser permanente members have potentially been impacted by a data breach. according to a statement from kaiser, which is headquartered in oakland, certain online technologies previously installed on its web sites and mobile applications may have transmitted personal information to 3rd party vendors. those vendors potentially include search engines, google and microsoft being and social media platform x information was transmitted when members access to kaiser's websites or mobile apps know user names, passwords, social or social security numbers or financial account information or credit card numbers were transmitted in this breach. according to kaiser, the company is informing current and former members of the data breach. >> whether time here as we get a live look outside.
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>> another breezy day in the but, you know, beautiful overall, sunny. >> skies and the >> birds are having fun. don't have to flip the ways much, lawrence. just kind of catch. a. >> little high pressure system and go. that's right. this would be a good day to be a bird. lots of wind out there. they carry a sail around on and that's for sure. wind's going to be a story. i think as we head in toward the next couple of days. but overall, the weather looking good all the way to the coastline, a little hazy on the bay right now. but >> yeah, we've got some nice clear skies out toward the coast, breezy out towards sfo. but look at the temperatures outside right now. very comfortable warm. 73 in santa rosa. 72 degrees in concord. 69 in lemore. 68 right now in san jose. 66 degrees in oakland and 61 degrees in san francisco. skies clear all the way the coastline that wind, yes, men kind of kicking up. we've seen some of those wind gusts, 20, even 30 plus miles per hour around the bay area. the strongest winds near the coastline and over some of the mountain tops. and again, i think we're going to see some
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more wind as we head in toward the next 24 to 48 hour, especially inland. we'll see some stronger gusts and advisory issued a slow accounting for that. we'll have more on that in a few minutes. but yeah, overall the state looking good. we're looking dry right now. and i think as we head toward this week ahead, we've got some very nice weather kind of settling in here. if you're headed out tonight. yep, it is breezy out there. so be prepared for that. other than that, you've got some very comfortable temperatures as we head toward 8 o'clock skies going to stay nice and clear. i think they stay mostly clear all night long and some warmer weather ahead. but what the allergies be a big problem in the coming days. look at allergy forecast. coming up in a few minutes. sounds good. thank you, lawrence. a celebration of life is being planned for glide co-founder, the reverend cecil williams. he died. >> last week at the age of 94, he was also a civil rights and lgbtq activist. the celebration of life will be sunday. may 12th at 01:00pm at the glide church facility on ellis street. >> coming up, piedmont's
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police chief attacked why he says the suspect should have still been behind bars. >> and the port of oakland is getting some significant federal funding all in an effort to move towards 0 emissions. >> but first, california joining with an east coast company to make a generic opioid overdose reversal drug. those details next. we've repor
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lifesaving effects of naloxone or narcan to reduce overdoses today, governor newsom announced the state will be able to purchase the to pack kits at half price kron four's. rob nesbitt joins us
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live in studio now with where it will be available. rob. grant today's announcement about a state brand of naloxone also known as narcan is a big deal because of how much will be coming to california from 2 million to impacts to now 3.2 million. on monday, governor gavin newsom announced that his administration has secured a cal rx branded over-the-counter naloxone for $24. a pack. >> that's how much the state will pay. but doctor mark galli from california, health and human services says most of the twin packs used to reverse an overdose will cost consumers. nothing in san francisco. you picked one of reduction or substance use disorder service providers. >> public health clinics, some of the commercial clinics will provide narcan to make it available. free of charge. the goal with the program according to governor newsom's office is to make sure lifesaving medication. >> doesn't result in people going into debt. i spoke with
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bronze, courtney, from the hiv education and prevention project of alameda county or have pack about the financial struggles. those facing addiction often folks we're talking about, like, am i going to eat? >> or am i going to have narcan or am i going to have, you know, some basic needs some hygiene stuff for my going to have nor can he does harm reduction, work out in the community and non-clinical settings to have pack. >> harm reduction has become a contentious topic when it comes to dealing with addiction. >> san francisco mayor london breed spoke out against it earlier this year because you know harvard option from my perspective is not reducing the harm. >> those who work in reducing drug overdoses by handing out narcan disagree, referencing years of research and statistics are reduction, move in. >> to keep people healthy alive and able to thrive. you cannot. >> denied the numbers. it is reduced. hiv. hep c infection. it is reduced overdose death.
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>> the governor newsom's office says the orders have been made for the cheaper nar. can and should be arriving as early as next month. reporting in studio. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> rob, thank you. 60 people arrested and roughly half a pound of drugs seized during a one-day enforcement operation in san francisco's tenderloin. san francisco police say of the 60 people arrested 5 are suspected of selling drugs last wednesday. other arrests included for possession of drugs, arrest warrants and stay away. orders. 2 loaded firearms were also confiscated, according to officials since may of last year. they have made more than 3,000 arrests and seized almost 500 pounds of drugs in the tenderloin and south of market areas. >> the man was arrested in santa rosa early this morning, accused of using a sword during a robbery. this is said sword that was recovered. police say they were called to a restaurant on 4th street near old courthouse square yesterday. that is when an
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employee told officers this, i threatened the employee with a sword and then stole an alcoholic drink before running away. police say they were able to find the man and the sword and that is being booked on one count of felony robbery. police on the peninsula say a multi-agency task force is making progress combating organized retail thefts. the task force was put together using money from the state. it includes police from daly city, saint bruno and san mateo since the task force began in october. police say they have recovered more than 700 stolen items worth more than $23,000 and made 88 arrests. >> it's been one year since banko brown was killed outside of a walgreens in san francisco. this security video hear from last april. the private security guard involved says brown was shoplifting during the confrontation. michael earl wayne anthony shot brown as he tried to leave the business a second time. the da's office
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did not try anthony because he argued he acted in self-defense, saying brown threatened to stab him. brown was later found to be on har unarmed walgreens. the guard and the company who employed that guard work find brown, a black transgender man was on housed at the time and a volunteer organizer for the young women's of freedom center issued a statement writing in part, quote, bancos life was worth so much more than what it was taken for in the face of adversity. he was resilient and courageous. he fell asleep, fought for the rights and dignity of trans people. end quote. >> another united flight had to be diverted sfo because of a mechanical issue. the flight was heading from sacramento going to denver yesterday when it had to land in san francisco. the aircraft is a boeing 7.37, this is a live look at sfo tonight. it is unclear what the mechanical issue was, but we're told the pilots did not have to make an emergency landing. but they landed nonetheless 160 people
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on board were put on a different plane and made it to denver. couple hours later. >> as we continue to keep an eye on the weather in the sierra ski resorts are already starting to switch gears from snow boarding to mountain biking. >> we're getting ready for the summertime. it's it's time for new woodward's gere open with a mountain biking and everything. so it's really we've got a whole bunch of different things to do. >> still a lot of snow on the ground there, but it is melting. palisades tahoe says they will continue to be open daily through memorial day. let's get you a check of the forecast cone for chief meteorologist lawrence karnow is here. laurence, are they going to get any more snow? over. you know, they could very well. i think this next weekend there's a real possibility of another round of snow in the sierra, maybe even some rain in the bay area. but >> today, the kitchen or break some beautiful weather out there right now. the winds kind of kicking up outside. here's a live look at incline village. you see the waters
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and no waves out there on the waters right now. but otherwise remains dry at this time. bay area. boy, we're in for the next few days. we're going to be watching that pollen count, really shooting up tree paul and really the major if i could. i put the excessively high as we get into thursday and friday. it's going to be high all around the bay area. so if you're susceptible to that, make sure you take care. these pollen counts could be running very high this week, all kick along by the winds to we've got gusty winds likely to develop. in fact, by tomorrow afternoon, we'll watch those breeze is picking up again. but then it's really going to ramp up overnight tomorrow night and into the following day and that we get to wednesday morning. look at this. we're going to season some gusts of 30 40 miles an hour, mainly in slo-mo county. so that area the national weather service actually close advisory for some winds there as we get toward tomorrow night. and as we get toward wednesday as well as you can see, some gusty winds. 35, maybe 45 miles per hour in solano county. so watch out for that. meantime, high pressure to build in nicely here. this ridge setting itself up and that's going to send that jet stream to the
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north. that means we'll keep things high and dry for looks like the next few days. in fact, we may be going to sneak in a couple of temperatures in the 80's around the bay area, at least in some of the valleys to 9 got more of a northerly when developing and then that's going to keep the skies mostly clear overnight tonight and tomorrow morning. we see the patchy fog. also not going to be much and right along the coastline. so nice and clear. but yeah, this next weekend we've got cinco de mayo coming up. we've got a lot of revelers want to get out and enjoy and there's a big, big difference in the forecast models coming up, one says dry once as very, very wet. so we're going to take a look at that and try and sort out course could be tracking it all week long right here on kron the european and the yeah. i mean, what a difference. what a contrast. yeah, from one to the other. so when you when do they usually get together on some? hopefully within 3 days before the but not always. i mean, not always. sometimes they just see completely differently. >> all right. well, i guess will i weather does its own thing there was a battle says, right? we'll wait for your
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expert a cute. yeah. thanks, lauren. thanks. >> ferry service between sausalito and san francisco is still suspended with no estimated time of when they might be back up and going coming up, the effects this is having on people who rely on it. local businesses are
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taking a hit as the sausalito ferry remains closed. shut down the closures. >> now in the second week after an inspection found that one of the pier pilings was damaged. a ferry spokesperson said they can only work during low tide. so this could take
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some time. people living in sausalito say it's a big loss, not just for the town, but for anybody who might want to visit. >> all right. thank everybody's businesses affected. 15 or more per cent. people that visit san francisco, one of the things they have to do while they're in san francisco's take a ferry boat to sausalito and spend a day here in the in the magic kingdom. and that's what this is. >> it is great. take a little ferry ride to the magic kingdom. what could be better? the golden gate ferry hopes to have the sausalito service back up and running sometime next week. they say while repairs are being made to transit buses, taking passengers across the golden gate bridge to and from sausalito in san francisco. april is the last fully-funded month for a popular federal program that provides discounted internet to eligible americans. that's raising concerns for thousands of bay area. folks who rely on
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the affordable connectivity program. patrick mesick with oakland. and divided, which helped eligible oaklanders sign-ups as many people might not know that this program could be ended. >> we called 500 acp enrolled households here in oakland and fewer than half knew that the acp was ending. stories like please call your neighbors. call. tell anyone, you know, to double check if they're receiving this benefit because that the protections that are so integral to folks not getting it will hit with bill shock in may. and in just a couple days. >> the estimate is some 27,000 oakland households used this service the statewide program helps almost 3 million households. >> the port of oakland is getting some significant federal funding u.s. department of transportation has granted the port 4 million dollars. it will go towards new 0 emissions equipment like electric trucks and ev chargers. officials say the
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funding will help improve air quality at the oakland seaport and in the neighboring communities. >> coming up, east bay police chief attack why he says the crime could have been avoided. plus officers serving a warrant and charlotte ambushed by gunfire. tonight. 3 u.s. marshals are dead. 5 others wounded. more on that coming up and the head of california's largest utility says prices for pg and e
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