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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  April 29, 2024 7:00am-8:00am EDT

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maria: welcome back. good monday morning everybody.
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thanks very much for joining us this morning. i'm maria bartiromo. hope you're having a good monday morning, it's monday, april 29, 7:00 a.m. on the east coast. time for the hot topic of the hour. president biden taking plenty of jabs a at president trump and the press during the white house correspondents dinner saturday night. biden called on journalists to quote rise up to the seriousness of the moment and ignore the polls. watch this. >> the defeated former president made no secret on his attack on the democracy. i'm not asking you to take sides. i'm asking you to rise up to the seriousness of the moment. move past the horse race numbers, the got ya moments and distractions, the side shows, that have come to dominate and over-sensationalize our politics, focus on what's actually at stake. i think in your hearts you know what's at stake. i'd like to make a toast. to a free press. maria: free press.
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free press with direction from the white house, liz. >> yeah. of course he wants them to take sides, maria, and this is the president who for the first time in history has not sat down with the editorial boards of the new york times, washington post, and the wall street journal. that's freedom of the press? i don't think so. maria: yeah, exactly. i mean, chris, and then the fact that he's going on and on about president trump being a threat to democracy when in fact right now we are witnessing biden's doj and democrat das trying to get president trump holed up in a courtroom until the election so he's not on the campaign trail so who is really the threat to democracy here, chris? >> it's shocking. maria: it's a joke. >> it is. michael douglas said he's sharp as a tack. he appears impaired, like making a toast at the wedding, not the leader of the free world. it's concerning when you see the energy difference and beyond that the extremists trying to hold trump down.
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as biden said, he wants to meet him in a back alley. maria: back alley. >> it's absurd, right. maria: it's absolutely abs surd. and the -- absurd. and the worst part of it all, they think we're stupid. he really thinks people believe what he said? president biden made another strange joke about his old age. he tried to get laughs about his age at the white house correspondents dinner. watch this. >> it's been a year since i delivered this speech and my wife jill with me tonight was worried how i would do. i told her, don't worry. just like riding a bike. that's what i'm worried about. of course, the new york times issued a statement blasting me for, quote, acting and effectively avoiding independent journalists. if that's what it takes the new york times to say i'm effective, i'm for it. maria: the president changed the marine one walking raw teen, instead of walking alone to the
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helicopter, he's surrounded by several aides. >> that has a real impact. people see him as a doddering old person, not sharp as a tack. we'll see what spielberg brings up at the democratic convention. they are going to need special effects to change the narrative of how he's perceived, for sure. maria: look, they'll probably tell him to lean into it, liz. and just lean into your age as experience. after all he's been in washington 40 years and the house oversight committee will say it's been a couple decades of influence peddling as well. >> you know what, maria? people are leaning into the seriousness of the moment including occasionally journalists who are sort of switching sides here and realizing that this man is a threat to our country, a threat to democracy, has led us into wars across the globe, that donald trump avoided skillfully when he was president. the economy teetering.
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you've done a good job talking about the national security risk of this open border. it's unbelievable to me that people are not rallying around that. but look, the average voter is saying enough, we don't like it, we think you've done a lousy job, we're ready to go back to the term of donald trump which was secure. inflation was under control. jobs were being added, not mythical jobs that joe biden is coming up with but actual real jobs. people know the difference. i don't think they can be fooled this time around and last time, let's face it, it was a fool. right? biden was in his basement. he campaigned as a moderate, someone who was going to bring the country together. none of that is true. he's the most divisive president i think in my lifetime. maria: we've seen lots of coverups, right? >> yes. maria: the fbi, cia a, everyone was in on it, whether the russia
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collusion lie made up by hillary clinton and her aides, whether hunter biden and his lap ptop, made up that it wasn't true and all the 50 intelligence officials who signed their name to a letter right before the election. they fooled us so many times or tried to. >> yeah. and they continue to. they continue to want to pretend that joe biden is a decent, honest man and that he's running against a crook. honestly, switch the tables. i think you have a much better case that he is the dishonest person who has lied constantly lied but lied about his son being -- getting money out china, lead about being involved with his son's business dealings, et cetera i think people are onto it. i don't think he can pull that anymore. maria: but again, the national security threat here must be stated because all of those years when the democrats led by adam schiff and others who were saying russia, russia, russia, trump colluded with russia, all of that time, look at all that time wasted where people did not
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understand the threat of communist china. look at all of those years -- and they knew it. okay. adam schiff was the chairman of the intelligence committee. he had to know it. he knew he didn't have evidence of russia collusion. yet he went on nbc news an said there's collusion in plain sight. all the while communist china stealing intellectual property, eating the u.s.'s lunch. that's a dereliction of duty. instead of pointing the finger at the real threat, which is china, they tried to come up with a political story against their political enemy of russia. >> it wasn't just adam schiff. let's talk about the fbi anden tell jens organizations. maria: -- intelligence organization. the senior people from the administration, they went public to subvert the 2020 election and claim the hunter biden laptop was not real. it's shameful. it's shocking. and unfortunately they're probably still a lot of
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americans who haven't heard that story. maria: most importantly, dangerous. dangerous to america's national security. we're just getting started this hour. the federal reserve's two day policy meeting kicks off a tomorrow morning, the central bank raised the bar on rate cuts. what will they say now? we're awaiting comments from jay powell on wednesday, could be market moving comments. the word on wall street panel is here with expectations. the race for the white house heats up as as president biden is now the least popular commander in chief in 70 years. our election panel is here discussing the state of the race and the state of the economy at 8:30 a.m. eastern. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. we'll be right back. ♪ what is love. ♪ don't hurt me. ♪ don't hurt me no more. ♪ whoa whoa whoa. ♪
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maria: welcome back. time for the word on wall street, top investors watching your money. joining me is harris financial group managing partner, jamie cox. also with us this morning is chris mcmann. jamie, good to see you. thanks for being here with us. chris, i want to kick things off with you with a look at futures where we're expect ago higher opening for the broader averages ahead of earnings which are coming in pretty good, dow industrials up 34, nasdaq up 46, s&p up 8 points right now. the 10 year treasury is pulling back ahead of the federal reserve's meeting tomorrow, the talk is over whether or not the federal reserve will cut interest rates and whether they'll do it this summer or if they'll do it all year. the yield on the 10 year, 4.63%, down 3 and-a-half basis points. the wall street journal reporting even if the fed cuts the days of ultra low rates are over. chris, what are you expecting? >> i think we still expect a little bit of a cut can. people are saying no, pundits are saying maybe no cut is necessary with the commercial debt out there we believe it's
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necessary. it's a weird market. you can't paint it with one brush stroke. everyone said google is done, no one will google anymore. they're paying a dividend and doing a stock buyback. microsoft is churning along. on the other side of the coin, the cycle with zuckerberg, hate, love, hate, they hate him again because we're in a cycle of big time spending. in general, i think the fed has to do some cutting. i think if we don't do a cut we already saw four or five regional bank failures, the number could be 30, 35, something had has to happen to alleviate the commercial real estate crisis in my opinion. maria: that's a good point. we're seeing more evidence of the crisis with republic first. jay he my, a big week of first quarter earnings. we heard from dominos pizza reporting a beat on earnings and revenue, in line with expectations, same store sales up 5.6%. we're waiting on paramount global after the bell tonight. the big ones will be amazon and
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apple. tomorrow we've got coca-cola, 3m, mcdonald's and amazon, apple is out on thursday. your thoughts on earnings season so far. what do you expect from apple which could be a major market mover. >> tech has been the savior this earnings season. there was consternation coming in after the first series, meta sort of soured markets k you see microsoft come in and blow it ahe way. away. remind everyone the tech companies of today are not the tech companies of the '90s which is the worry you would have an a.i. fueled boom and it would bust. that's not the situation we're in with tech. so we're seeing blockbuster earnings from tech companies an even though they're priced for perfection, they continue to report stronger earnings and growing earnings which is good. in addition to that, you're starting to see -- i know regional banks are a problem. they're well-known to be a problem, have been for some time. but some of the larger banks are doing okay. and you've seen the financial
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index, some of the indices last year that weren't so good, communication services doing a little better and when you sort of marry that with what the interest rate environment should be or could be or might be over the next three to six months, there is one thing that matters. one is earnings. second is employment. if you have consumers who are spending and the data continues to prove that consumption in the united states for services continues to outperform, as long as those two things stay in place, it's going to put off what everybody thinks is going to be this immediate imminent recession and that's going to make the dynamic for the federal reserve very difficult. for example the fed had has a dual mandate, one is price stability, the other is maximum employment. when employment isn't a problem the fed can focus on inflation or price stability. that's what they're able able to do now. i think they'll communicate
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something that they're talking about doing something with the balance sheet. i think you're going to hear more about that than you will rate cuts at this meeting. maria: they've got to do something. that's exactly what stephanie pomboy said on you friday. chris, the wall street journal is reporting that federal regulators are seizing the philadelphia based regional bank republic first bancorp, selling deposits and assets to fulton financial, the fourth high profile bank failure since last spring. fulton financial, take a look at this this morning and give us your reaction here. >> it's something, maria. i think there will be a lot more of this. this is commercial real estate driven for the most part in my opinion. i think it's going to get worse. i don't think the large banks -- they're going to be stronger when this all ends but they can't absorb all this. the fed set the expectation for a rate cut can. i think the market's are strongy looking for it. without that, the $900 billion of -- 20% of all commercial paper is coming due this year. if we don't see movement by the fed i think that will have
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potentially d dramatic, stroh catastrophic impact with 60 regional banks falling. maria: do you agree with that as well? >> well, you know, the fed did something weird in the last couple of months by turning off the program that they sort of -- the btfp which they instituted after silicon valley bank failed last year to sort of stabilize some of the regional banks to give them the act to offload some of their treasury holdings which were being impaired by the rapid rate increases of '23 and ended that program in the dead of night, you 7:00 at night on a thursday. and so now two months later after the program is ended you see a large regional bank fail. and so i'm not really sure exactly what that's going to mean for the fed but they're going to have to watch because they can't you allow a banking crisis to emerge because that
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will torpedo the economy. they have the tools to deal with it but there's going to be collateral damage. there always is. look at citizens bank which picked up the pieces of silicon valley bank, they did very well. fulton will do the same thing with republic first. there will be some winners in this. as long as there are banks strong enough to absorb some of the losses it's not going to create a crisis but i will have to concede with chris that you can't allow the commercial real estate which is a known problem to be -- to let run out of control because if it does, it will have great, large effects on the economy at large. maria: of course, yes. great point. gentlemen, great conversation, we appreciate your time. jamie cox, thanks for being here. chris, you're with us all morning. we appreciate that. quick break and then anti-israel protests growing on college campuses, so are outside agitators, harvard students are seen flying the palestinian flag where the u.s. flag is supposed to be.
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congresswoman beth had van dines here with reaction. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪ everybody put your hands in the air. ♪ yeah, yeah, yeah. ♪ girl i want to -- yeah, yeah, yeah. ♪ i want to see you tonight. ♪ yeah, yeah, yeah. ♪
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maria: this week on "mornings with maria," tomorrow, senator roger marshall on alejandro mayorkas' stunning fumbles and failures at the u.s. border. wednesday, joe germanotta on the challenges facing small business owners in the biden economy. thursday, the federal reserve makes its interest rate announcement and we're talking with stephanie pomboy, david malpass and judy shelton one day later. friday, the april unemployment rate revealed right here live with the best in the business. it's all right here on "mornings with maria." maria: welcome back. anti-israel protests erupting on college campuses across the
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country, hundreds of protesters camping out on the george washington university campus overnight after tearing down barricades. in new york city, columbia university now says they have no plans to remove the anti-israel protesters who have been camp out on campus for more than a week. the protesters at harvard seen flying a palestinian flag this weekend in place of the american flag. i spoke with harvard law professor emeritus alan dershowitz yesterday on who is funding alexei navalny of this. watch. >> there's no question about that. there's no question that organizations funded by george soros and the rockefeller brothers, take an organization called jewish voice for peace, it's been behind many of the demonstrations. they're not jewish and they the don't want peace. it's a fake organization. it's an old line group of communists and an ar anarchistso
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want to overthrow the american government. they support america's enemies and they're funding much of this. maria: joining me is texas congresswoman beth van duyne, a number of the house ways and means and small business committees. good to see you. thank you for being here this morning. i know the protests have spread to youral ma matter as well of cornell. what is your reaction? >> i mean, in addition to what alan d dershowitz is saying, you have to look at where the funding is coming from, from anti-democratic countries, foreign countries give tens of millions of dollars to these universities. 55% are from anti-democratic countries, countries like qatar. these countries have actually increased their funding by almost 50% in the last four years since 2020. what are they breeding in these universities? it's anti-democratic, it's anti-semitism, it's anti-capitalism. everything that we are against in america and yet we are funding them.
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they have access to moneys that we're helping with grant dollars and low interest loans to students. we're giving them tax free exempt status. when we think about everything that's happening on the campuses, how terrible it is, how anti-american it is, we are looking at ways of being able to use the tax exempt status and dollars they're getting to -- maria: i don't understand why president biden is so soft on all of these adversaries who may be complicit, like china, for example, that's why we focus so much on what james comer is doing on the oversight committee. we don't understand why it is that he's so soft on china and other adversaries and now they're complicit in this as well. >> well, you start looking at where his family has connections and where they're getting paid. his brother having connections with qatar and being on the payroll. those relationships matter. they've been going on for decades a.
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but also, the dollars that are coming into these universities have not had to be reported so that's something else that we have to change. where are these universities that are receiving tax free exempt status, tax free dollars for yfor few is. ftuition. where are they had getting the money? the students that are taking over areas of the campus, they need to be prosecuted if they're here from foreign countries on visas, they need to be deported. maria: your comment on qatar is important. we've got a new report from politico this morning that a fund manager indicates jim biden, president biden's brother, was in business with qatari officials and this is the number two funder of u.s. universities which stand behind china but we've got new details on jim bu biden's fund raising
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efforts,d, testimony indicates e partnered with qatari officials in his quest for u.s. healthcare ventures many i want to get your take on the investigation into the classified documents. they're investigating president trump obviously over classified documents but there's also information about the classified documents that president biden took. so far, robert hurr said we're not going to prosecute or do anything further with president biden because he's an aging individual and a jury will be sympathetic to an old man who is losing his memory. well, your colleague, florida congressman michael waltz, had something different to say about that. he joined me yesterday with this. watch this. got to get your reaction. >> maria, i was shocked at how highly classified these documents are. the media wants you to believe oh, this was just some old cold war stuff, old senile biden maybe had in his garage interest decades ago.
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no it watt recent, it he was relevant, and they have so many code words across it. i've had clearance for 30 years. i had to ask what they meant. eyes only for the president and vice president. sensitive stripes down the side. maria: so congresswoman, what do you make of all of this? these are the classified documents that joe biden had to stuff in his pants or jacket or something when he left the secure scif room. you can't walk out with documents, right? now we find out he's got all these documents near his corvette in his garage and may call waltz says they're more serious than anyone understands. >> absolutely right. two tiered justice system that we're seeing, the difference between how they're handling biden and how they're handling president trump is day and night. it's obviously political. you think about the sensitivity of these documents. they were in a garage. who had access to them? hunter biden obviously had access to them. he was doing business with foreign anti-american countries as well.
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how far does this go down? when you think about this access that was had and you're absolutely right, i've gotten the security briefings, you're not allowed to take anything out. how did that possibly happen? and again, what kind of rules are they living under that the rest of us aren't? this is obviously two tiered. it needs to be taken seriously and when is that going to start happening? when is the department of justice, when is the fbi going to start looking into the president? we're doing that under our republican majority house right now, we're investigating that. those investigations have to continue. maria: yeah. well congressman waltz wants an immediate damage assessment from the intelligence community. they were highly classified and relevant to current national security threats. we're waiting on that investigation to find out specifically what he had lying around. congresswoman, i know you recently joined republicans on the house oversight committee for a field hearing in texas a, you heard from energy producers on how the biden
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administration's regulatory you policies impacted their business. we talk about the climate change you jen da and what the impact is. what did you learn. >> they were very clear, the panel of witnesses were very clear that policies have consequences including the biden policy consequences include increased prices in gas, increased demand, decreased production and actually it's hurting not only our national security but the security of other countries around the world. the people who are paying the most for it are folks who have older cars that can't afford these new electric vehicles. people who live in rural areas that are forced to have to have energy from other places, the green new deal crazies are pushing, those are the people hurt the most. the biden administration is continuing to cut permits to increase epa regulations. it's crushing businesses. it's crushing american energy. nowhere are seeing the accountability that is well over
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its skis. the biden administration has taken over $800 billion of new regulatory costs to american businesses. that's got to stop. maria: that's probably one of the biggest missteps in policy because it's hurting an economy that's already fragile, small business can't get past go. congresswoman, thank you. we'll be following your work. beth van duyne joining us this morning. and we'll be right back. (♪) car, this isn't the way home. that's right james, it isn't. car, where are we going? we're here. (♪) surprise!!! the future isn't scary. not investing in it is. car, were you in on this? nothing gets by you james. nasdaq-100 innovators. one etf.
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maria: welcome back. president biden's brother jim biden has some explaining to do about his alleged business deals with qatari official. >> according to politico, sworn testimony from fund manager michael lewit signals that jim biden was in business with officials from qatar and a
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kentucky bankruptcy court, they say the president's brother partnered with qatari government officials as he tried to find money for several healthcare ventures in the united states. if proven be true this would be some of the closest known financial ties between a relative of president biden and a foreign government. new york city's migrant crisis leading to budget cuts at the new york fire department, one of new york's bravest, firefighter derek lloyd, lost his job due to the cuts according to the post. sadly, he passed away from a heart attack at the age of 36 leaving his widow and children with no benefits or financial support. just another example of the financial and emotional toll the crush of these migrants is costing new york city. floyd's job before he was fired working in the chaplain's office, he was was aranging funs of fallen fdny members.
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william sonoma under fire for labeling chinese made products for sale under american made. they were ordered to pay civil penalties over the claims. they say they claimed the products were knead the u.s. even though they were made in china. tit misled consumers and harmed businesses. the stock in the premarket is down almost 1%. s those are some of your headlines. back to you. maria: that's something. okay, cheryl. thank you so much. >> you bet. maria: elon musks is now leaving china after a trip, less than 24 hour visit with a crucial win for tesla. chinese officials telling the company that beijing t tentativy approved tesla's plan to launch the self driving feature in the country, they will partner with baydu for mapping and navigation to support the software.
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this comes after a meeting yesterday in beijing. joining me is gatestone instite senior fellow, gordon chang back with me. great to have you. thanks for being here. >> thank you so much. maria: i want to get your the take on the impact on tesla, that now we know that we're going to have production in china. what does that mean for this car, this vehicle, that you're seeing a partnership with china? >> well, it means that tesla will do better in the ev market in china where it has had some really difficult times over recent months. as chinese car makers have taken market share from tesla. now, tesla needed full self-driving in china to compete and now it will have it but the big story here, maria, is that musk did not get approval to export data. he needs to export data to the u.s. to train his self-driving algorithm. he didn't get it.
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china prohibits data transfers out out of china to other countries. we should actually start prohibiting data transfers to china because we need to have reciprocity on this. so this is critical to the united states and it's the story that people are not talking about when it comes to musk and tesla in china. maria: i mean, what i'm worried abothe china element in a tesla should i be worried that somebody could take over the car, drive the car into a lake? should i be worried that there's any influence from the chinese communist party in a tesla that i may buy in america. >> yes to all of your questions and one of the things, we see musk saying these adoring things about the communist party of china and that is a worry because remember, musk not only owns tesla, he also owns spacex. spacex is critical to
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america's efforts to get back into space and go to the moon and we've got to be concerned that china will use its influence over musk which now is even more considerable, to influence spacex decisions. maria: yeah. great points. meanwhile, china's foreign ministry is saying it firmly rejects the $95 billion foreign aid package which president biden signed into law last week, saying it creates serious obstacles for u.s./china cooperation. the package includes $8 billion to the indou indo-pacific regio, including taiwan. taiwan reported 22 chinese military aircraft flying by on saturday while antony blinken was returning home from his trip to china, gordon. your thoughts? >> well, china bracketed blinken's visit to china with military provocations. there was the launch of a ballistic missile two days before blinken touched down in
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shanghai. everyone believes that was a message to blinken. and then of course as you mentioned, we had these 12 aircraft that crossed the median line which is essentially the informal boundary between china and taiwan and there were another 10 or so aircraft that didn't cross the median line so really what we had was a lot of aircraft over the taiwan strait and the foreign -- the taiwan you affairs office said taiwans is entering a dangerous situation, this occurs while china is pressuring japan and the philippines. this is starting to look crazy dangerous now. maria: it really is. the list is so long of the bad behavior from communist china and it feels like it never comes up when we have all these meetings. how many more cabinet members can joe biden send to kiss the ring of xi jinping? last week antony blinkens was there. we have no evidence that covid, the coverup of covid came up, the fentanyl flowing into
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america, the intellectual property theft, the surveillance, the surveillance balloon, the police stations in america and now we've got new behavior and that is supporting -- we understand supporting some of the agitators in college campuses on top of the chinese communist party supporting russia's invasion of ukraine. so this -- do we have any evidence that any of this came up? what is going on in all these meetings where they're having beers in a bar in beijing with janet yellen and shaking everybody's hands with antony blinken. do any of these real issues comp up do you think? >> really what's occurring here is blinken goes to china to beg. that's what the chinese pop began da says. -- propaganda says and i think that's actually you true and this is feeding china's already inflated sense of self importance. we know the beijing propaganda talks about this. xi jinping humiliated blink enon
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friday when xi jinping allowed himself to be photographed saying when does he leave and then when he was told that blinken was leaving that evening, xi jinping turned around and said good. you no, -- you know, so really blinken just needs to -- just needs to understand thats he's been humiliated, needs to stop it. the biden administration continues doing this because they believe it's important to have dialogue but they're just making the chinese more arrogant. so the biden administration has completely -- his policies that sound good to tier but they're making the -- to the ear but they're making the situation far worse than it needs to be. maria: instead of putting sanctions on china or of taking all those chinese companies off the u.s. exchanges which of course have individual investors investing and funding the expansion communist china, we hear there's a possibility of sanctions on the israel defense fighters which is just extraordinary to me so we haven't seen any pushback on any of the bad behavior from
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communist china, wrote they're trying to threaten the idf. i've got to get your take on something else happening overnight and that's the japanese yen, the yen plum t eting. -- plummeting. the stocks higher in japan. the yen is at 156.27, roughly touched 160.03 against the u.s. dollar, the first time since 1990. i want to get your thoughts on the impact this is going to have on asian markets. >> well, pe -- maria: and the u.s. dollar, by the way. >> oh, yeah. well, that breaking the 160 level was really stunning and the japanese yen recovered as you can see on the screen but that was because the japanese government obviously intervened. they had a 2.8% jump on one day on no news. the story here is that the japanese yen is weak because currency rates are -- interest rates are low. china right now is in trouble. people are talking about a
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one-time 10 to 20% devaluation. i don't think xi jinping will do that because he's self dark sele conscious so he'll opt for the slow death option. that will cause problems. we're going to see a big gap between t the remb and the doll. people are worried about the currency war that looks like it's on the horizon. this will become a global currency war. it will affect currencies all over the place of course. we know we have president trump talking about weakening the u.s. dollar. this is not looking as it's going towards a good place. maria: all right, gordon. we'll follow that great to talk with you as always, sir. thank you. gordon chang joining us on asia. quick break and then, well, no laughing matter. vice president kamala harris knows americans are talking about her laugh. but is it for the right reasons? it is making a buzz this morning.
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we'll be right back with that. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪ i've had the time of my life. ♪ and i never felt this way before. ♪ and i swear it's true. ♪ and i owe it all to you. ♪ oh, i had the time -- if your business needs a new application then developers will have to write code. a lot of code. if an application needs to be modernized
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>> i have my mothers' laugh. and i grew up around a bunch of women in particular who laughed from the belt. they laughed. they would sit around the kitchen and drinking their coffee, telling big stories with bigs laughs. i'm never going to be -- i'm not that person. maria: and it's time for the mornings buzz, that is vice president kamala harris addressing online criticism of her unique laugh in an interview on the you drew berrymore show. they also say people make fun of her laugh because they're adjusting to the first he female vice president. that's a reach. nice try to get sympathy by saying you have your mother's laugh. >> i don't think that's the issue. people make fun of kamala harris because she laughs at the inappropriate moments. she laughs when there's
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something serious asked about her like have you been to the border and she's goes into laughter about no, and i haven't been to europe either. she makes no sense all the time. her word salads are legendary. her approval ratings are better than joe bidens'. she's keeping below the radar. she's out on the campaign trail. she meets with funders constantly. and guess what? it's kind of working for her behind the scenes and off the stage, kamala harris is kind of doing better. she's way under water. don't get me wrong. she's extremely unpopular you because she's sort of a nitwit but joe biden is out racing her to the bottom. maria: most people would say if you're voting for joe biden this election, it's a vote for kamala harris because at some point in that four year period she'll take over. >> absolutely. that's the fear. i mean, she said yabadabadoo in front of the japanese leader.
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it's okay to not like somebody or dare i say be annoyed by somebody, the idea that you're racist or feminist because someone annoys you is ridiculous. maria: exactly. look, she's talking withdrew barrymore in the interview. i'm not sure what else came out of the interview in terms of poll civil she's been given all these titles, a.i. czar, border czar, what has she done? >> she hasn't done anything. she's been reinvented. i think i counted once, about four times during this administration and given a tremendous push from friendly folks in the media. they kind of do these interviews, drew barrymore is a good example, somebody who likes joe biden is a democrat. but they give her puff interviews but you turn your back and she's guffawing with a seen leader with whom she is supposed to to have a serious
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conversation. how she can go out there year and year and give speeches by i suppose the same speech writer that make no sense, she can't hear it i guess and she pays no attention. i don't know. it's bizarre. maria: but liz, come on, give me a break. she's trying to turn this into a woman issue. >> oh, yeah. maria: the reason that people make fun of her laugh is because they're add a justing to the first -- adjusting to the first he female vice president. what? >> that's the card they all play, maria. if you're not popular and you're a woman, you're black, whatever, that's the card you play, not that you have bad ideas, you present them poorly, and people don't have confidence in you. that's the story here. it's been -- again, they've he e reinvented her four or five times, trying to get rid of the feeling that she's sort of incompetent. you can't go back to the race or as chris said the feminist card incessantly, people don't believe it. maria: and chris, i mean, i think one of the main
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criticismses with kamala harris is she's never prepared. she gets up to the podium. you just don't have a feeling of confidence that she's prepared. >> i think 2% of the democratic float the primaries -- vote in the primaries. we have not embraced her. the idea she will be one trip down air force one's staircase away from being the president of the united states. that's what we have to consider, that's the question in front of the american people. >> i think that's why she's out of sight a lot. where has she been? she's been meeting in swing states and giving out money from the biden administration. you don't see a lot made of her publicly right now. she's not always behind biden because exactly what chris says, people are -- if they are reminded that you're actually -- who was it nikki haley said so successfully, a vote for joe biden is a vote for kamala harris. maria: that's right. we'll take a short break and come right back. you're watching you "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. we'll be right back.
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